Forward Solutions
Operational Psychology Services
Advanced Echelon leverages our in-house and contract operational psychology team to provide behavioral health care for AHI survivors as well as organizational and operational consultation.
Our proprietary AHI operational psychology model consists of four applications of advanced psychological services to address the needs of the survivor, their family and the organization/mission.
Advanced Echelon conducts these services and maintains records within an HIPPA Privacy and Security Rule compliant environment.
The Problem
Lack of extensive baselining provides opportunity for misinterpretation of data. A high performing officer who has a mild decrease in cognitive functioning may appear "normal" following an AHI, but in reality have suffered a significant decline in function and capability.
A single psychological assessment increases the risk of missing changes in the psychological well-being of our officers or their families. Additionally, improvements in function may be missed or identification delayed, decreasing the utilization of otherwise capable officers.
The profile of our officers and their families may increase or decrease the risk for the adversary to conduct an attack.
Organizational culture may or may not be primed to accept and address Anonymous Health Incidents.
Our Solutions
Extensive baselining is needed to determine cognitive and behavioral functioning prior to an incident occurring.
In the event of an AHI, periodic psychological assessments keep the survivor and their families on the track towards recovery.
Our UTS and Operational Psychology teams work together to provide your officers an understanding of their UTS profile, consult on how to mitigate their risk of exposure, and help your officers overcome barriers to change.
Our Operational Psychology team will provide an organizational and leader assessment on changing culture to more effectively address the risk management and response to AHIs before and after they occur.
Contract Vehicles
621999, 621111, 621112, 525120, 621420, 456199, 621330, 561320, 621399, 611430,
611710 , 611699, 611519, 561990, 561210,
541990, 541720, 541715, 621991, 541690,
541612, 541611, 541614, 541618, 541511,
541512, 621340, 541611, 561110, 621511